
冠心病患者T波电交替检测分析 被引量:4

T-Wave Alternans Test in patients with coronary heart disease
摘要 目的采用12导联高分辨率动态心电图(12-HR-HOLTER)对冠心病患者及非冠心病患者作12-HR-HOLTER记录并进行微伏级(uV)TWA时域及频域检测分析,探索12-HR-HOLTER的TWA检测方法和评价指标。方法选择冠心病患者170例为Ⅰ组,其中男112例,女58例,平均年龄64.49±11.68岁,高血压患者114例为Ⅱ组,其中男45例,女69例,平均年龄63.09±12.57岁,及非心血管病患者67例为Ⅲ组,其中男30例,女37例,平均年龄61.37±9.59岁,分别记录12-HR-HOLTER,并进行TWA检测分析。结果①冠心病组(Ⅰ组)TWA事件明显高于高血压组(Ⅱ组)及非心血管病组(Ⅲ组,177.97±794.99,0.70±2.56,0.63±1.92,p<0.01);②TWA事件主要检测指标为TWA发生阵/次(TWA-E),TWA持续时间(TWA-HOUR)及TWA心搏数(TWA-BEAT);Ⅰ组TWA事件各项指标均明显高于Ⅱ、Ⅲ组(p<0.01);③Ⅱ组及Ⅲ组检出少量TWA事件,二组间各项TWA检测指标均无显著性差异(p>0.05),冠心病组(Ⅰ组)TWA阳性率(16.47%)明显高于Ⅱ、Ⅲ组(0.88%,1.49%,p<0.01)。结论①12-HR-HOLTER记录检测分析方法可对微伏级TWA进行频域和时域检测分析;②冠心病患者TWA的发生率明显高于高血压患者及非心血管病患者;③TWA发生阵/次(TWA-EVENT)、TWA持续时间(TWA-HOUR)及TWA心搏数(TWA-BEAT)等参数可作为TWA检测评价的定量指标。 Objective To record the 12-lead high resolution HOLTER(12-HR-HOLTER) and test T-Wave Alternans(TWA) in time and frequency domain for the patients with and without coronary heart disease.Methods The 12-HR-HOLTER was recorded and TWA was tested in 170 patients with coronary heart disease(GroupⅠ,112 males,58 females,64.49±11.68 years old),114 patients with hypertension(GroupⅡ,45 males,69 females,63.09±12.57 years old) and 67 cases without cardiovascular disease(GroupⅢ,30 males,37 females,61.37±9.59 years old).Results ①The positive rate of TWA in Group I was significantly higher than that of GroupⅡand Group Ⅲ(16.47%,0.88%,1.49%,p〈0.01);②TWA events(TWA-EVENT),TWA persisting hours(TEA-HOUR) and TWA heart beats(TWA-BEAT) were used to detect and evaluate TWA;③TWA-EVENT of GroupⅠ was significantly more than that of GroupⅡand GroupⅢ(p〈0.01);TWA-HOUR and TWA(TWA-BEAT were significantly more in GroupⅠthan that of GroupⅡand GroupⅢ(p〈0.01).Conclusions ①Microvolt TWA could be tested by the methods of 12-HR-HOLTER recording and analyzing;②TWA is highly positive in patients with coronary heart disease;③TWA-EVENT,TWA-HOUR and TWA-BEAT could be used as the main indexes to test and evaluate TWA.
出处 《临床心电学杂志》 2011年第6期411-414,434,共5页 Journal of Clinical Electrocardiology
关键词 12导联高分辨率动态心电图 T波电交替 心脏性猝死 12-high-resolution-HOLTER T-Wave Alternans(TWA) sudden cardiac death
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