目的了解广西梧州市暗娼(FSW)人群中生殖支原体(Mg)的流行情况,并对感染相关因素进行分析。方法采用方便抽样方法,对梧州市宾馆/酒店/夜总会、KTV/美容美发及出租屋/路边店/站街等三类娱乐场所的FSW收集宫颈拭子标本,检测Mg,并对人口社会学、行为学等进行问卷调查。结果采集到407份宫颈拭子标本,Mg总检出率为14.3%。其中宾馆/酒店/夜总会185人(45.5%),Mg检出率为8.1%;KTV/美容美发175人(43.0%),Mg检出率为17.7%;出租屋/路边店/站街47人(11.5%),Mg检出率最高,为25.5%。Mg感染与年龄、户籍、工作场所有关,年龄<20岁者Mg感染风险是>30岁的9.17倍(AOR=9.17,95%CI:3.28~25.63),来自外省的流动FSW感染Mg的风险是本市的2.58倍(AOR=2.58,95%CI:1.20~5.57),出租屋/路边店/站街FSW Mg感染的风险是宾馆/酒店/夜总会FSW的7.20倍(AOR=7.20,95%CI:2.59~19.99)。结论出租屋、路边店及站街暗娼Mg检出率高,应作为监测的重点亚人群。
Objective To determine the Mycoplasma genitalium(Mg) prevalence and associated factors among female sex workers(FSWs) from different working venues of Wuzhou city,Guangxi.Methods Female sex workers from different venues were recruited by venue-based sampling.Cervical swabs were collected.Mg was detected by a real time PCR targeting the MgPa gene.Results Of the 407 cervical swab specimens the overall Mg detection rate was 14.3%;of the surveyed female sex workers,185(45.5%) were recruited from hotels and night clubs,with a Mg detection rate of 8.1%,175(43.0%) from beauty salons,with a Mg detection rate of 17.7% and 47(5%) from rented houses and streets,with the highest Mg detection rate of 25.5%.M.genitalium was significantly associated with younger age,migration from other provinces and working venues.As shown by multivariate logistic analysis,the risk to Mg among FSWs 20 years was 9.17 times higher than those over 30 years(AOR=9.17,95%CI: 3.28-25.63);the risk to Mg among FSWs migrating from other provinces was 2.58 times higher than those who were local residents(AOR=2.58,95%CI: 1.20-5.57);the risk to Mg among FSWs from rented houses or streets was 7.20 times higher than those from hotels and night clubs(AOR=7.20,95%CI: 2.59-19.99).Conclusions Compared with those who worked in hotels and clubs,female sex workers from streets or rented houses had higher risk to Mg infection.To monitor Mg prevalence among female sex workers,we should pay more attention to those from other provinces,working in streets or rented houses and younger than 20 years.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
Mycoplasma genitalium(Mg)
Female sex workers