Currently,Ministry of Finance has appropriated the 2011 Orphan Basic Living Central Subsidy,which has been raised respectively from RMB 180, RMB 270 and RMB 300 per person per month in 2010 to RMB 200,RMB 300 and RMB 400 per person per month for eastern,central and western regions, with an increase of over 10%.Total amount of the subsidy is RMB 2.5 billion,
Currently, Ministry of Finance has appropriated the 2011 Orphan Basic Living Central Subsidy, which has been raised respectively from RMB 180, RMB 270 and RMB 300 per person per 11aonth in 2010 to RMB 200, RMB 300 and RMB 400 per person per month for eastern, central and western regions,