目的探讨诱导痰嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(eosinophil cation protein,ECP)对咳嗽变异性哮喘(cough variant asthma,CVA)患者咳嗽敏感性的影响。方法将84例CVA患者分为咳嗽敏感性增高(n=29)和正常(n=55)两个组,并以26例典型哮喘和26个健康志愿者为对照组。受试者接受肺功能、辣椒素咳嗽敏感试验和诱导痰等检查,并用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测诱导痰上清液中ECP、组胺、PGD2、MCT、SP和NE等炎性介质的浓度。结果发现咳嗽敏感性增高CVA组诱导痰E%和ECP高于咳嗽敏感性正常组,两个CVA组诱导痰中组胺、PGD2、MCT和SP也都显著高于健康对照组。CVA患者咳嗽阈值LogC5与诱导痰ECP浓度呈显著负相关。结论诱导ECP的差异可能是导致CVA咳嗽敏感性不同的主要炎性介质基础。
Objective To explore the affect of ECP in induced sputum on cough reflex sensitivity of patients due to CVA.Methods Eighty-four patients with cough variant asthma(CVA),29 of them with heightened cough reflex sensitivity and the other 55 patients with normal cough reflex sensitivity as two experiment goups,26 patients with classical asthma and 26 normal subjects were recruited as controlled groups in this study,respectively.Pulmonary function,and cough reflex sensitivity with capsaicin was examined and indued sputum cytology were performed in all subjects.The concentrations of eosinophil cation protein(ECP),histamine,prostaglandin D2(PGD2),mast cell tryptase(MCT),substance P(SP) and neutrophile(NE) in induced sputum were measured by ELISA.Results E% and concentration of ECP in induced sputum were significantly higher in group of CVA with heightened cough reflex sensitivity than in those with normal cough reflex sensitivity.Histamine,PGD2,MCT,SP in induced sputum were all remarkably increased in these two CVA groups than in normal subjects.There were significant inverse correlations between ECP levels and LogC5 in patients with cough due to CVA.Conclusion Diffirent different cough reflex sensitivity in patients due to CVA may be resulted mainly from different concentration of ECP in induced sputum.
China Practical Medicine