
基于功能演进的港口效率内涵解析及实证研究 被引量:13

Based on the Function Evolution of Port Efficiency Analysis and Empirical Study
摘要 在UNCTAD提出的4代港口功能演进的基础上,将港口效率的内涵分解为运输枢纽、加工装卸、物流服务、资源配置4个层次,并建立了相应的指标体系,分别测算了6个国家或地区的港口效率水平。结果表明:中国整体港口效率低于世界主要港口大国;在其他条件不变的情况下,港口效率与贸易额显著正相关。 This paper defines the port efficiency with respect to 4 layers, transportation hub, processing and loading, logistic services, and resource allocation. We base our analysis on the forth generation of port's functional evolution, proposed by UNCTAD. We constructed the index system and evaluated the port effieiency levels of 6 countries or regions. The results show that the port efficiency in China is lower than that of main ports around the world. And ceteris paribus, the port efficiency is positively correlated with the trade volume.
作者 邓娟
出处 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期100-105,共6页 Journal of Hebei University(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 港口效率 港口功能演进 对外贸易 port efficiency port's functional evolution foreign trade
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