

Economic performance assessment of advanced process control based on probability optimization approach
摘要 针对过程工业普遍存在的扰动和不确定性动态对控制系统经济性能影响的问题,采用LQG性能基准来估计过程方差,通过对过程变量设置置信度水平来处理系统不确定性对控制性能的影响,将经济性能评估问题转化为一系列随机优化问题.在求解优化问题获得经济性能评估结果的基础上对控制系统经济效益潜力进行分析,提出提高控制系统经济性能的最佳途径和相应的控制策略.分馏过程的仿真算例说明了该评估算法的有效性和可操作性. In this paper,probability optimization approach for economic performance assessment of the constrained process control under uncertainty is presented.In connection with the affect to the control system economic performance of disturbance and the uncertainty prevailing dynamics in process industry,use LQG performance benchmarks to estimate the variance process,process the uncertainty of the control system performance with setting variable level of confidence,transform the assessment of the economic performance into a series of stochastic optimization problems.In the basis of solving optimization problems in economic performance evaluation results analysis the potential economic benefits of control system,propose the best ways and corresponding control strategies to improving economic performance of system.The proposed algorithm is also illustrated by a simulated example of the model predictive control system.
出处 《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期904-909,922,共7页 Journal of Fuzhou University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60804027)
关键词 控制系统 经济性能评估 LQG性能 随机优化 机会约束 control system economic performance assessment LQG benchmark probability optimization chance constraint
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