Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Development of Control Strategy in PHEV
Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Development of Control Strategy in PHEV
In this paper, implantation of fuzzy logic controller for parallel hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) is presented. In PHEV the required torque is generated by a combination of internal-combustion engine (ICE) and an electric motor. The controller simulated using the SIMULINK/MATLAB package. The controller is designed based on the desired speed for driving and the state of speed error. In the other hand, performance of PHEV and ICE under different road cycle is given. The hardware setup is done for electric propulsion system; the system contains the induction motor, the three phase IGBT inverter with control circuit using microcontroller. The closed loop control system used a DC permanent generator whose output voltage is related to motor speed. Comparison between simulation and experimental results show accurate matching.
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