Objective To investigate whether inter|enkin (IL)-7 enhances antitumor effect on breast cancer by promoting interferon (IFN)-T production in CD8^+T cells in a mouse model. Methods The tumor-bearing mice were subjected to direct intratumoral injection of PODNA3-IL-7. Spleen CD4 + and CD8^+ T cells were enriched from tumor-bearing mice using magnetic heads and cultured in vitro. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used for IFN-γ/detection in splenocyte culture supernatants. The intracellular expression of IFN--y in splenocytes was detected by using flow cytometry. MTI method was used to detect CD8^+ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity. In vivo antitnmor effect of IL-7 was assessed by neutrali- zing CD8^+T ceils with anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies in tumor-bearing mice. Results The secretion of intracellular IFN-~/in CD8 + T cells (38. 6 + 4.4) % and the production of IFN-~/fromCD8^+T ceils cul- ture supernatants (136. 0 + 11.2) ng/L in pcDNA3-IL-7 injection group were significantly increased as compared with those in control group. IL-7 could promote IFN-~ production by CD8^+T cells. IL-7 could profoundly enhance spleen CD8^+ T cell-mediated cytotoxicity in tumor-bearing mice, and the cytotoxicity was more significant at the ratio orE (effect) to T (target) as 100:1. Antitumor effect of IL-7 was signifi- cantly inhibited after neutralizing CD8^+ T cells by anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody injection into tumor-bear- ing mice. Conclusion Interleukin-7 enhances antitumor effect on breast cancer through promoting IFN-~ production by CD8 + T cells. IL-7-mediated antitumor effect enhances immune response to mammary tumor
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery