

Leaning of the River Map and Luo Chart under Li Gou' s Vision
摘要 宋代之后,图书之学成为象数易学中的一支显学。探索《易》卦的起源与《洪范九畴》的由来,是其兴起的基本原因。就现存文献而言,黑白点的易图首见于刘牧的著作。李觏则是在反思刘牧易图说的基础上推出其视域下的图书之学的。李氏的图书之学指出:河图、洛书是真实存在的;伏羲不仅取河图八方之位和洛书五行之象,还参照了宇宙万物之情状,从而画出了八卦;河图演示的是天地阴阳之气的运行方位,洛书昭示的则是天地阴阳之气的会合,而会合之后有象有形,象、形不可分割。他的这一图书之学识见,对后世图书之学起到了重要的引发作用。 Since the Song dynasty ( 960 - 1279 ) , the learning of the he tu ( lit. , River Map ) and luo shu ( lit. Luo Chart) had been in vogue in the studies of the Change. It arising basically accounts for the explorations of the origin of the trigrams and hexagrams as well as the origin of hong fan jiu chou ( lit. , nine cardinal rules for statecraft) mentioned in the Classic of History. According to extant literature, the diagrams of Change with black and white dots were first seen in Liu Mu's works. Li Gou ( 1009 - 1059 ) presented his visions on the he tu and luo shu after he had profoundly contemplated Liu Mu's arguments on the he tu and luo shu. Li Gou contends that he tu and luo shu were authentic documents of the ancient times ; not only had Fu Xi taken images from the eight positions in the he tu and five agencies in the luo shu but also took reference from the situations of the myriad things, hence the eight trigrams ; what the he tu illustrated was the positions and directions of the circulation of the yin and yang vital forces while what the luo shu demonstrated was the union of the yin and yang vital forces by which the inseparable images and forms came into being. These insights inspired the later - generation theories on the he tu and luo shu.
作者 崔伟
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期76-83,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 2010年山东大学研究生自主创新基金(11090070613099)
关键词 河图 洛书 八卦 图书之学 he tu luo shu eight trigrams learning of he tu and luo shu
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