目的 了解细菌性肝脓肿患者厌氧菌与需氧菌菌群分布,为治疗提供依据.方法 采用厌氧培养箱,用抽气换气钯粒催化耗氧法造成厌氧环境,对84例细菌性肝脓肿患者脓液进行厌氧菌和需氧菌培养.结果 84例患者中,有49例检出病原菌,总检出率为58.3%,其中纯厌氧菌和纯需氧菌阳性者分别占阳性者的20.4%和34.7%,两者混合阳性占44.9%,两者检出率分别为38.1%和46.4%.共检出细菌82株,厌氧菌和需氧菌各占46.3%和53.7%,平均每份阳性标本含菌株1.67株.结论 细菌性肝脓肿患者感染病原菌中以需氧菌具多,但同时厌氧菌也具有较高的检出率,具混合感染多见,表明厌氧菌感染在细菌性肝脓肿中占有重要地位.
Objective To investigate the distributions of anaerobic bacteria and oxybiontic bacteria in bacterial liver abscess patients. Methods All puses from 84 bacterial liver abscess cases were cultured in aerobic and anaerobic incubator with air exhausting and breathing oxy- gen - consume method catalized by palladium respectively. Results Among 84 cases, pathogenic bacteria from 49 cases were detected with a total detection rate of 58.3% (anaerobic bacteria: 20.4%, oxybiontic bacteria: 34.7%, combination of them: 44.9%, with the detection rate of 38.1% and 46.4 %, respectively). 82 strains of bacteria were check out ( anaerobic bacteria: 46.3 %, oxybiontie bacteria : 53.7 % respectively, with 1.67 strain per sample). Conclusion Bacterial liver abscess patients are infected not only by oxyblontie bacteria, but also by anaerobic bacteria, especially by mixed infections. These results indicate that anaerobic bacteria infection may be one of the important causes of bacterial liver abscess.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics
Liver abscess, bacterial
Bacteria, anaerobic
Bacteria, oxybiontie