用石灰石混合材取代矿渣制作复合水泥,研究石灰石的掺量对水泥的凝结时间、强度等性能的影响。实验结果表明,当石灰石掺入量为15%时,水泥的各项指标均合格,强度虽有降低,但也能接近50 MPa;在实际生产中试配结果表明当石灰石掺量为15%时,能够满足P.C32.5水泥的指标,此举大大节约了生产成本和能耗,因此可以认为石灰石作为混合材的应用生产具有广阔的前景。
In case of using limestone instead of metallurgical slag as admixture to produce composite cement,we have researched the influence of intermingled dosing ratio on the properties of cement setting time,strength etc.,and experimental result reveals that when limestone is added at a dosing rate of 15%,every target for cement product can meet the requirement,in which the strength is reduced a bit,but still closed to 50 MPa.Practical trial production shows that in case the limestone is added at a dosing rate of 15%,all targets of PC32.5 cement can be qualified,which means that productive cost and energy consumption can be reduced greatly. It is realized that using limestone as admixture have vast application prospect for cement production.
Cement guide for new epoch