
复杂装备制造业集群技术创新过程研究——基于核心企业视角 被引量:1

Research on Process of Technological Innovation of Complex Equipment and Manufacture Enterprises Cluster
摘要 在对复杂装备制造业集群内涵进行界定的基础上,通过对技术创新过程相关研究的综述,结合复杂装备制造业集群及其创新的特征,从集群系统开放性和集群主体异质性的综合视角,以核心企业为研究的切入点,对复杂装备制造业集群这种大企业集群的技术创新过程进行研究。研究认为,复杂装备制造业集群的技术创新活动包括创新产生过程、创新扩散过程和创新持续过程三个由内而外且循环反馈的连续过程,并构建了相应的创新过程模型。 This paper generally studied the process of technological innovation in common sense and in cooperation of cluster enterprises,and the approach to innovate.The current research was confined to cluster of small and middle-sized enterprises in certain location and to difference and relation between complex products and products of Equipment and Manufacture Enterprises(EME).In this paper,the process of technological innovation of complex EME of huge cross-border cluster was analyzed.The conclusion revealed three levels in technological creation of complex EME cluster in cooperation: introduction,diffusion and sustained process of innovation,which are ranked from the lower to the higher and from the internal to the external in a continuous feedback loop.And a model of innovation process of complex EME was also constructed in this paper.
作者 李慧
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期190-195,共6页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(青年基金项目)"核心企业外向型技术学习能力 知识扩散与复杂装备制造业集群创新关系研究"(编号:11YJCIH082) "中小企业技术联盟组织间学习 知识集成能力与创新能力关系研究"(编号:10YJC630392) 西北工业大学人文社科与管理振兴基金项目"核心企业外向型知识吸收能力对国防科技产业集群技术创新的影响机理研究"(编号:RW201103)
关键词 复杂装备制造业 产业集群 核心企业 技术创新过程 complex equipment and manufacture enterprises industry cluster core firm process of technological innovation
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