
微铣加工关键技术研究现状与发展 被引量:5

Current Situation and Development of Micro-milling Key Technologies
摘要 微铣削加工技术在精密三维微小零件制造中的应用,引发了微细制造领域的重大技术变革,其区别于MEMS技术和超精密加工技术,是利用传统铣削加工方式并针对微米和中间尺度微小零件进行高效率、高精度微细制造的有效途径,具有加工材料的多样性和能实现三维曲面加工的独特优势。论文通过综合国内外大量文献,对微铣床设备研发、微铣削表面形貌、表面粗糙度与微毛刺及微铣刀具磨损等进行讨论,指出微铣削加工相关技术研究存在的不足并对该领域的发展提出自己的观点。 Application of the micro-milling technology on the three dimensional precision micro parts manufacturing led to a major technological change in micro manufacturing.Different from MEMS technology and the ultra precision processing technology,it is an effective way for micron-scale micro and intermediate parts with high efficiency,high-precision micro-manufacturing,which is use of traditional milling methods and has unique advantages such as the diversity of workpiece materials and the realization of machining 3D surface.Based on the summary of a lot of literature in our and foreign countries,this thesis summarizes the studies on the research and development of micro milling machine,surface topography,surface roughness,burr of and micro tool wear in micro-milling process.The deficiency of study on the concern technologies of micro milling and the development perspective of this field have been pointed out.
出处 《组合机床与自动化加工技术》 北大核心 2012年第1期107-112,共6页 Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
基金 辽宁省科技计划项目(2008220011) 辽宁省博士启动基金(20101013) 大连理工大学引进人才科研启动经费(DUT10RC(3)040)
关键词 微铣削 表面粗糙度 毛刺 刀具磨损 micro-milling structural parameter burr tool wear
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