
Hilbert时频谱在大地电磁数据处理中的应用 被引量:3

Application of Hilbert time-frequency spectrum in magnetotelluric data processing
摘要 文中研究了大地电磁信号的Hilbert时频谱特征,并将其用于大地电磁信号的噪声识别、数据筛选和分段平稳分析中。通过内蒙古毛登区实测大地电磁数据处理,验证了方法的有效性。结果表明Hilbert时频谱可准确地描述大地电磁数据的突变点、持续时段和频带能量分布,为大地电磁信号的噪声识别、数据筛选和分段平稳处理提供了条件;利用Hilbert时频谱可挑选出信噪比高、能量强且分布均匀的信号段,并可做进一步的参数估计,提高了资料处理质量。 Characteristics of Hilbert time-frequency spectrum for magnetotelluric data are discussed in this paper.Using these characteristics,noise identification,data selection and piece-wise stationary approaches are developed for MT data processing.Field magnetotelluric data from Maodeng area,Inner Mongolia are analyzed to verify the validity of the method.The results show that Hilbert time-frequency spectrum can accurately describe point mutations and continuous segment and frequency energy distribution of magnetotelluric data.This provides the conditions for noise identification,data selection and piece-wise stationary.Hilbert spectrum can be used to recognize high signal to noise ratio,strong energy and uniform data for further parameter estimation in order to improve processed data quality.
出处 《石油地球物理勘探》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期984-988,1012+836,共5页 Oil Geophysical Prospecting
基金 湖南文理学院博士启动项目 湖南省“十一五”重点建设学科-光学基金 湖南文理学院优秀青年项目 常德市科技局计划项目联合资助
关键词 大地电磁数据 Hilbert时频谱 噪声识别 数据筛选 分段平稳 magnetotelluric data,Hilbert time-frequency spectrum,signal to noise ratio,data selection,piece-wise stationary
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