Objective To compare the outcomes of Class Ⅱ patients with severe deep overbite and overjet corrected with Tip-Edge Plus and straight wire techniques. Methods The sample comprised 46 Class II patients with severe overbite and overjet in the early permanent dentition. Twenty-three patients were treated with Tip-Edge Plus technique and the other 23 patients were treated with straight wire technique. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were taken before and after treatment. Computerized cephalometric analysis was carried out. Paired t tests and Student's t-tests were performed. Results Both techniques produced significant changes in overbite, overjet and profile. No significant differences between both techniques were found except the position of the lower incisors, the lower incisors were intruded 2. 97ram and protruded 1.87°with reference to mandibular plane in Tip-Edge Plus group, while in straight wire group lower incisors were intruded 0. 50ram and retroelined 3. 88°. Conclusions Class Ⅱ patients with severe deep overbite and overiet could be treated successfully with straight wire and Tip-Edge Plus techniques. Lower incisors were intruded more in the Tip-Edge Plus group and uprighted more in the straight wire group.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics