
Forsus矫治器矫治生长发育高峰期后骨性下颌后缩患者的研究 被引量:4

Treatment of skeletal retrognathic patients with Forsus appliance after growth spurt
摘要 目的 分析Forsus矫治器治疗生长发育高峰期后骨性下颌后缩患者的疗效以及矫治的稳定性.方法 依据纳入标准选定戴用Forsus矫治器患者7例,在治疗前、治疗后和随访时拍摄头颅侧位片(随访时距治疗结束17~32个月).建立坐标系,测量反映牙齿、颌骨的位置和角度的各项指标.结果 Forsus矫治器产生了三维方向的力量.在矢状方向上,下颌骨平均伸长6.47 mm,上牙舌倾(切牙平均8.97°,磨牙平均3.51°),下牙唇倾(切牙平均3.93°)向近中移动(磨牙平均3.61 mm),其中,骨性改变占36.68%,牙性改变占63.32%;在垂直方向上,上、下颌骨顺时针旋转(下颌平面平均1.70°),下颌磨牙伸长(平均3.06 mm);而且,这些改变在整个观察期间(治疗后平均25个月)保持相对稳定,仅下切牙有伸长的趋势(平均0.59 mm).结论 Forsus矫治器治疗骨性下颌后缩,产生了显著的牙性和骨性改变,且疗效保持相对稳定. Objective To analyze the effects and stability of skeletal retrognathic patients treated with Forsus appliance after growth spurt.Methods Seven patients were selected.Lateral cephalographs were taken before the treatment,after the treatment and at follow-up (the mean period between the end of treatment and follow up is 25 months,ranging from 17 to 32 months).Coordinate was established.Parameters related to teeth and jaws were measured.Results The average growth of mandible during Forsus treatment was 6.47 mm.The upper teeth were moved lingually (8.97°for incisors and 3.15° for molars on average).Lower incisors were proclined 3.93°averagely.Mean value of lower molars mesially movement was 3.61 mm.Skeletal effects accounted for 36.68% sagittal changes while dental effects accounted for 63.32%.Vertically,clockwise rotation of maxilla and mandible was noticed and the average change of mandible plane is 1.70°.The average extrusion of lower molars was 3.06 mm.During the follow-up period the only change was the extrusion of lower incisors which was about 0.59 mm on average.Conclusions Forsus appliance induced significantly skeletal and dental changes.The effects remained relatively stable during follow-up.
出处 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 2011年第4期187-192,共6页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
关键词 FORSUS矫治器 骨性下颌后缩 稳定性 头影测量 Forsus appliance Skeletal retrognathic Stability Cephalometric
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