目的了解长江下游江阴段农村饮用水水质与水性疾病发病及相关死因的情况。方法对我市出厂水、末梢水、二次供水等43个水质监测点进行监测;同时收集我市与水相关的急慢性消化道疾病和死因等信息;分析水质情况与水性疾病发生的流行病学特征。结果我市水质监测发现合格率为96.22%,农村末梢水合格率较低仅为89.28%。主要不合格指标为菌落总数和挥发性酚。水性疾病以其他感染性腹泻、细菌性痢疾、各型肝炎为主,占监测病例的97.97%。发病总体呈现夏秋季发病率上升、冬春季下降的流行病学特征;肿瘤及慢性非传染性疾病死亡病例6 628例,分别占监测总死因的32.10%和67.89%。结论我市水源水有机物污染较严重,提示水性疾病的发生有一定的流行病学特征,应加强城市供水水源水的保护。
Objective To understand the drinking water quality of Changjiang river downstream and the water-borne diseases and relevant death causes.Method Monitoring 43 water quality monitoring stations of finished water,tap water and secondary water supply in our city.Collecting the data of acute or chronic digestive tract diseases which related to water and death causes,analyzing the epidemiology characteristics.Results The water qualified rate of our city was 96.22%,and the rural tap water qualified rate was lower,and only for 89.28%.Main unqualified indexes were total plate count and volatile phenol.Infectious diarrhea,bacillary dysentery,and hepatitis were the main water-borne diseases,it accounted for 97.97%.The accident of water-borne diseases rise in autumn and summer,descended in spring and winter,There were 6 628 tumor and chronic non-communicable diseases death cases,and account for 32.10% and 67.89%,respectively.Conclusions Organic pollutants of source water was serious,and the accident of water-borne diseases showed a epidemiological characteristics,so we should strengthen the protection of source water of urban water supply.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Drinking water
Water borne disease
Water quality surveillance