
大学生网络消费意愿影响因素实证研究 被引量:32

An Empirical Study of Internet Consumption and Behavioral Intentions of College Students
摘要 通过采用计划行为理论建立大学生网络消费意愿影响因素的假设模型,并利用Spss17.0以及Amos17.02统计软件对调研数据进行统计分析及拟合处理。研究结果显示,在大学生这一网络消费群体中,网站设计易用性、安全隐私、货物配送服务质量、口碑等对网络消费总体满意度有显著正向影响,转移成本对网络消费总体满意度负面影响显著。在网络消费意愿影响因素方面,口碑和网络消费总体满意度对消费意愿都有显著正向影响,转移成本这一因素对消费行为意愿的影响没有得到充实的论据。 According to the theory of planned behavior proposed by Ajzen,we set up a hypothesis model about internet consumption and behavioral intentions of college students,and we carry out statistical analysis and fitting treatment on the survey data by the statistical software Spss17.0 and Amos17.02.The results of the statistical analysis shows that in the consumer groups of college students,website design,security privacy,goods delivery service,word-of-mouth have significant positive effects on the overall consumer satisfaction of the internet consumption.However,switching costs have significant negative effects on the overall consumer satisfaction of the internet consumption.Among factors influencing consumer behavior intentions,word-of-mouth and the overall consumer satisfaction have significant positive effects on it.However,switching costs have no significant effects on consumer behavior intentions.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期165-169,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 总体满意度 口碑 转移成本 网络消费意愿 实证研究 overall satisfaction word-of-mouth consumption will switching costs empirical study
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