为了探索精神疾病司法鉴定中医师之间判定的一致性和分歧点 ,由二位高年资精神科鉴定医师复查并判定 2 4 2例鉴定案例的诊断和法定能力。结果显示 ,医生间诊断一致性为 97.1 %。法定能力判定一致性为92 .0~ 1 0 0 %。分歧较大病种为人格障碍和轻性躁狂。与 1 983年资料相比 ,受害人与民事案件明显增多 ,经济案件取代性犯罪居首位 ,判定部分责任能力比例减少 ,医生间判定一致性有所增高 ,高于同期司法机关对医生诊断认同率和法定能力认同率。
Object To study the concordance and difference between psychiatrists in psychiatrists in forensic psychiatric identification.Method The diagnosis and forensic responsibilities of 242 cases were checked and Judged by two senior psychiatrists respectively.Result The concordance of dignosis between psychiatrists was 97.1%,The concordance of legal capacity was 92.0~100%。There were more differentiation of the conclwsion in personality disorder and hypomania compared to information in 1983.The number of the sufferer and civil cases signifficantly in cressed.Ewnonical cases replaced sen crimminal cases and taked the first place.Cases judged partial responsibilities decreased.The concardance between identificationsof psychiatrists was increased.It was higher than the concordance between legal organ and psychiatrist and it was higher the concordance in legal capacity.It suggested.The concordance between identifications of psychiatrists tised to higher than that on before.
Health Psychology Journal
forensic psychiatry forensic identification responsibility