
益肾汤对糖尿病大鼠肾脏细胞周期调节蛋白p27表达的影响 被引量:2

Effects of Yishentang on cell cycle regulatory protein p27 in the kidney of diabetic rats
摘要 目的观察中药复方益肾汤对糖尿病大鼠肾脏细胞周期调节蛋白p27表达的影响。方法将41只SD大鼠随机分为正常对照组与糖尿病组。后者以链脲佐菌素腹腔内注射诱导糖尿病大鼠模型,成模大鼠按干预方法不同分为:益肾汤、缬沙坦、糖尿病未治疗3组。干预8周,观察大鼠体重、肾重、血糖、24 h尿总蛋白、24 h尿白蛋白、尿素氮、肾组织p27表达等指标。结果与糖尿病未治疗组比较,益肾汤及缬沙坦组肾组织p27表达显著减少,尿白蛋白含量降低;肾组织p27的表达量与24 h尿白蛋白浓度呈显著正相关。结论益肾汤防治糖尿病肾病的作用与降低肾脏p27表达有关。 Objective To observe the effect of Yishentang(a compound of traditional Chinese medicine) on the expression of p27 in the kidney of diabetic rats.Methods Forty-one adult male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: normal control group(CON),diabetic control group(DMN),diabetic group treated with Valsartan(VST),and diabetic group treated with YISHENTANG(YST).The diabetic rats were induced by single peritoneal injection of STZ of 60 mg/kg.Rats in YST group were treated with YISHENTANG 6.5 g/kg daily,in VST with Valsartan 20 mg/kg daily,while equivalent drinking water was applied as substitute in CON and DMN groups.After 8 weeks,the body weight,plasma glucose,urea nitrogen,24 h urine total proteins,24 hours urine albumin protein and the renal expression of p27 were recorded.Results Diabetes was successfully induced.Significant down-regulation of renal p27 and reduction of 24 hours urine albumin protein were revealed in YST and VST groups,as compared with those in DMN group.The renal expression of p27 was significantly positive correlated with 24 hours urine albumin protein.Conclusion The preventive effects of YISHENTANG on diabetic nephropathy are correlated with down-regulation of renal p27.
出处 《广东医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期164-166,共3页 Guangdong Medical Journal
基金 广州市中医药 中西医结合科研课题资助项目(编号:穗卫中[2009]4号-40)
关键词 糖尿病肾病 益肾汤 细胞周期调节蛋白p27 diabetic nephropathy Yisentang Cell cycle relatory protein p27
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