
Th17细胞和调节性T细胞与白血病的研究进展 被引量:2

Advances on T helper 17 cells/regulatory T cells and leukemia
摘要 T辅助性17(Thelper17,Th17)细胞和调节性T细胞(regulatoryTcell,Treg)的分化过程与功能相互对抗,在白血病的发病、治疗及预后中发挥不同的作用。大多数白血病患者Thl7细胞和Treg细胞的功能增强和(或)数量增加,Th17细胞主要功能是促进炎症反应,提高机体对白血病细胞的防御能力;Treg细胞主要介导免疫抑制和免疫耐受,抑制机体对白血病细胞的免疫反应,降低疗效。Th17细胞和Treg细胞与白血病的发病、治疗、预后等关系密切,人们有望通过干预初始T细胞的分化方向达到治疗白血病的作用。 T helper 17(Th17) cells and regulatory T(Treg) cells are resistant to each other in their functions and differentiation pathways. Thl7 cells and Treg cells play different roles in the development, treatment and prognosis of leukemia. Their functions are stronger and (or) numbers are more increasing than in the healthy controls. Thl7 cells mainly function to promote inflammation and improve the body's defense capability to leukemic cells. Treg cells mainly mediate immune suppression and immune tolerance, and then inhibit the body's immune response to leukemia cells, which can results in poor treatment outcomes. Both Thl7 cells and Treg cells have close relationships with the development, treatment and prognosis of leukemia. We would deal with the leukemia through the intervention of naive T cell differentiation.
出处 《国际儿科学杂志》 2012年第1期88-91,共4页 International Journal of Pediatrics
关键词 T辅助性17细胞 调节性T细胞 白血病 T helpert7 cell Regulatory T cell Leukemia
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