
新世纪音乐中的民族元素之研究 被引量:7

A Study on National Elements in New Age Music
摘要 新世纪音乐中的民族元素,具有狭义与广义两种指向。前者指的是:作曲家对非西方国家与地区的当地民族音乐素材进行内化加工后,再将其外化于作品中并传达作曲家创作意图的那一部分音响形态;后者指的是:能体现和谐、自然、神秘等新世纪哲学理念并与在新世纪音乐之前出现的种种西方传统音乐、现代音乐的作曲技法和乐器表现上有所不同的音响形态。新世纪音乐中的民族元素不是音乐素材,两者形态相同而本质不同,是原料与成品的质变关系。音乐素材是作曲家以内心听觉的记忆形式储存在大脑中的统觉性音响印象,是作曲家为写作而储存的、但未写入作品的音乐材料;而新世纪音乐中的民族元素,是作曲家将其统觉性音响印象所外化而成的听觉可感的音响形态,是其乐曲的组成部分。狭义概念的新世纪音乐中的民族元素具有如下三个形态特点:第一,新世纪音乐之民族元素是作曲家的世界观和创作意图的传达载体;第二,新世纪音乐中的民族元素与它的素材之间,具有形态对应关系;第三,民族元素在乐曲中通常表现为民族调式音阶与旋律、民族乐器的音色以及民族打击乐器演奏的节奏组合等。作曲家对新世纪音乐民族元素的运用,其缘由有三:其一是出于新世纪哲学理念的推动,其二是出于人类创新本能的推动,其三是出于追求时尚和消费市场的推动。 To begin with, the concept of national elements in New Age music has narrow and broad deft- nifions. In a narrow sense, it means the part of acoustic form that composers abstract from non- Western music materials and use in their works to express certain creation intentions. In a broad Sense, it refers to the form of music that reflects New Age philosophies such as harmony, nature and mystery and differs from preceding traditional and modern Western music in compositional techniques as well as the employ-merit of musical instruments. Second, national elements in New Age music are not music materials. The two have the same forms but different nature; there is a qualitative change from raw materials to finished products. To be more specific, music materials are apperceptive acoustic impressions that composers store in the brain as the memory of inner musical audition; they are the data kept in reserve for writings but not written in any pieces. National elements in New Age music are audible forms of music that derive from composers' apperceptive acoustic impressions and constitute a part of the music. Third, national elements of New Age music in a narrow sense have the following three morphological characteristics: they are the vehicle for composers to convey their world outlook and creation intentions; they have a corresponding re- lationship with materials in morphology; they are usually shown as national modes, scales and melodies, tones of national musical instruments as well as rhythm combinations of national percussion instruments l_ast but not least, composers utilize national elements of New Age music for three reasons: motivation from New Age phil consumer market. osophies, instinct of human innovations and push of pursuit of fashion as well as the Driven by the cluster of motives interweaved with the above - mentioned reasons
作者 黄轲
机构地区 上海戏剧学院
出处 《文化艺术研究》 2011年第4期57-74,共18页 Studies in Culture and Art
关键词 新世纪运动 新世纪音乐 民族元素 音乐素材 New Age movement New Age music national elements music materials
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