
及物性过程的一致性和序列性——超越词汇层的衔接现象 被引量:1

Process Concord and Process Sequence——A Cohesion Phenomenon beyond Words
摘要 传统的衔接分析往往基于词汇层,如词的指称、替代等,是从微观角度出发的分析,达不到反映整个语篇的结构关系。从系统功能语言学来看,任何语篇的过程类型都是有章可循的,并且是构建语篇的框架。本文通过对语篇实例进行及物性过程分析,发现语篇衔接也反映在小句及物性过程类型上,并可归纳为两种主要的衔接方式:及物性过程一致式、及物性过程序列式。对及物性过程进行的衔接分析超越了词汇层,是一种宏观的分析方法,它有助于读者把握全篇信息的分布走向,并对写作过程中的谋篇布局起到积极的指导作用。 The traditional approach to cohesion analysis is mostly based on the lexicon level,such as reference and substitution,which is a microcosmic method.And thus it can not reflect the holistic textual structure.Staging above words,this paper focuses on clauses' processes within SFG.The paper believes that processes of a certain text are well organized and ruled,and thus there is certain relationship among processes.By analyzing three essays of different genres,the paper shows that processes have the tendency of occuring repeatedly,prosodically,or sometimes in a combined model,which are referred to as processes concord and processes sequence.The processes concord and processes sequence analyses can help readers comprehend a text better and guide text writing.
作者 金娜娜
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期27-31,共5页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家民委项目"面向信息处理的英语动词功能研究"(项目编号09GZ02)的阶段性成果
关键词 衔接 及物性分析 过程一致性 过程序列性 cohesion transitivity analysis processes concord processes sequence
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