

The Effectiveness of the Offer or the Acceptance When a Contracting Party Dies or Loses Capacity for Conduct
摘要 我国法律未明文规定要约人或受要约人在缔约过程中死亡或丧失行为能力时,要约或承诺的效力是否受影响。根据比较法的对比分析和理论研究,应区分要约或承诺是否具有人身专属性、要约人或受要约人有无相反意思等特殊情形而定要约或承诺的效力。从立法论上看,要约或承诺的效力一般不受要约人或受要约人死亡或丧失行为能力影响的规则应在我国法律上确立下来。 It is not explicitly provided in laws of China that whether the effectiveness of the offer or the acceptance will be affected when the offeror or the offeree dies or loses capacity for conduct during entering into a contract. According to contrastive analysis of comparative law and theoretical research, the effectiveness of the offer or the acceptance depends on such particular circumstances as whether the offer or the acceptance has personal nature, whether the offeror or the offeree expresses contrary meaning, and so on. From the aspect of legislation, it shall be established as the legal rule of China that the effectiveness of the offer or the acceptance is not affected in general by the death or losing capacity of conduct of the offeror or the offeree.
作者 周洪政
机构地区 清华大学法学院
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期119-124,共6页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
关键词 死亡 丧失行为能力 要约 承诺 death lose capacity of conduct offer acceptance
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