
三光束激光干涉光刻的实现方法 被引量:6

Implementation method for three-beam laser interference lithography
摘要 分析了多光束空间分布产生的误差对图形的影响,通过计算优化得到三光束产生的干涉图形在整个面内有着更好的图形稳定性。利用氦镉激光光源通过特定的光学系统形成空间分布近似旋转对称的三束光,对光致抗蚀剂进行干涉曝光,制作出了周期600nm、高度350nm的蜂窝状点阵,测量结果表明该系统具有很好的图形重复性和稳定性,同时降低了对于光学光路的精密性要求。 This paper analyzes the influence of beams' spatial deviation on multibeam interference pattern.The pattern obtained by three beams is shown to be more stable on the whole surface compared with that obtained by four beams.In experiments,the He-Cd laser beam was divided to three beams which were rotationally symmetric and then the three beams were used to expose the photo-resist.The honeycomb lattice with a period of 600 nm and a height of 350 nm was fabricated.The measured data demonstrate that the energy distribution is more uniform and stable by using three-beam interference,which can reduce the accuracy demand of the optical light path for laser interference lithography.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期3250-3254,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 广东省中国科学院全面战略合作项目(2009B091300006) 国家自然科学基金项目(60940035) 国际研究学者交流计划项目
关键词 干涉光刻 三光束 图形稳定性 周期性点阵 interference lithography three-beam pattern stability periodic lattice
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