
感染性休克时血乳酸和血清镁浓度变化及相关性分析 被引量:1

The Changes and Correlation of Serum Level of Lactate and Magnesium in Patients with Septic Shock
摘要 目的:分析感染性休克时血乳酸浓度、血镁浓度变化及相关性。方法:将26例患者分为感染性休克组(Ⅰ组,13例)和非休克组(Ⅱ组,13例),分析两组患者血乳酸浓度和血清总镁及游离镁浓度的变化以及相关性。同时比较两组患者APACHEⅡ评分、平均动脉压(MAP)、动脉血氧分压(PaO2)和死亡率。结果:感染性休克组的乳酸浓度、APACHEⅡ评分和死亡率显著高于非休克组;血清总镁及游离镁浓度、平均动脉压和动脉血氧分压显著低于非休克组;休克组血乳酸浓度与APACHEⅡ评分、血清总镁和游离镁浓度的相关系数分别为0.616、-0.935和-0.938。结论:血乳酸浓度升高和镁缺乏是感染性休克的重要特点,且可反映休克程度,评估预后。 Objective :To observe the changes of serum level of lactate, total and free magnesium, and the correlation with each other in patients with septic shock. Methods :This study was consisted of 13 patients with septic shock, ( group I ) and 13 patients with free septic shock ( group Ⅱ ). Serum level of lactate, total magnesium and free magnesium were measured, and the comparison of APACHEII scores, mean arterial pressure ( MAP), PaO2 and mortality was conducted between the both groups. Results:As compared with the group Ⅱ , the serum level of lactate, APACHEII scores and mortality were significantly higher; other than, serum level of total magnesium and free magnesium were significantly lower in group Ⅱ. In the group I, study showed a positive relation between serum lactate and APACHEII scores (r = 0. 616), and a negative relation between serum lactate and total magnesium (r = - 0.935) or free magnesium ( r = - 0. 938 ). Furthermore, MAP and Pa02 in group I were significantly lower than in group Ⅱ. Conclusions:The increased serum level of lactate and shortage of serum magnesium, which indicates the serious degree of shock, are some important features in patients with septic shock, and the features would help clinical treatment and a good prognosis.
出处 《青海医药杂志》 2011年第11期1-3,共3页 Qinghai Medical Journal
关键词 感染性休克 乳酸 Septic shock Magnesium Lactate
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