
内部营销对创业型企业员工留任意愿的影响研究:组织社会化程度的中介效应 被引量:6

The Effect of Internal Marketing on Employees' Continuance Intention of Working in Entrepreneurial Enterprises: Socialization Content as a Mediating Factor
摘要 高离职率一直困扰着创业型企业的管理者。以往有关离职问题的研究多聚焦在离职时,个体、组织以及组织外因素的影响方面。创业型企业员工的离职与入职是并存的。以组织社会化程度为中介变量,探讨内部营销与创业型企业员工留任意愿的关系,具有理论的创新性和现实的紧迫性。本研究以比例分层抽样法进行抽样,回收有效问卷744份。研究结果发现:内部营销中的培训发展、奖赏制度、内部沟通对留任意愿均有显著正向关系,其中培训发展有极显著正向影响;内部营销对组织社会化程度有显著正向影响;在内部营销对留任意愿的影响中,组织社会化程度有部分中介效果,另外,通过方差分析得出了部分人口统计学变量、个体特质因素和外部情景因素对主研究变量有一定影响。 Entrepreneurial enterprises are playing an important role in the economic growth,innovation,and market development in China.However,the high turnover rate of employees is hurting most of Chinese entrepreneurial enterprises.More than half of new employees change jobs within a year in most of Chinese entrepreneurial enterprises.Previous studies on high turnover issues primarily focus on factors including individual factors,as well as internal and external organizational factors.We investigate the causal relationships among internal marketing,employee organizational socialization,and employees' continuance intention of working in entrepreneurial enterprises.Findings on the causal relationship among these constructs provide academic and practical implications on the effective management of entrepreneurial enterprises. We adopt the stratified sampling method to collect empirical data from 744 employees working in entrepreneurial enterprises.Our analysis results show that training and development,reward system,and internal marketing are positive related to an employee's continuance intention of working for the same enterprise.Internal marketing is positively related to organizational socialization content.An organization's socialization content mediates the relationship between internal marketing and continuance intention.In addition,demographic variables have some influence on an organization's socialization content and employees'continuance intention.Individual idiosyncrasy factors and external scenario factors also have influence on primary variables.Finally,we conclude this paper with some suggestions for entrepreneur enterprises to reduce the turnover rate of employees.
出处 《管理工程学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期58-66,共9页 Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70872011)
关键词 内部营销 创业型企业 留任意愿 组织社会化 internal marketing entrepreneurial enterprise continuance intention organization socialization content
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