
迷失的文明——析莱辛《野草在唱歌》中殖民权力的分布 被引量:1

Civilization lost——an analysis of the distribution of colonial power in The Grass Is Sing
摘要 莱辛小说《野草在唱歌》为读者提供了殖民时期南部非洲殖民生活的广阔图景。小说运用象征手法,以独特的视角深度剖析各阶层之间等级森严的社会结构,揭示殖民权力与公民权利的冲突。通过分析殖民时期社会经济与法律制度的演变进程,梳理出殖民地时期殖民权力在南部非洲分布的具体状况。欧洲文明迷失在非洲大陆是殖民主义者追逐私利本性驱使下的必然结果,而由此产生的殖民主义与种族制度赋予了殖民者无上的殖民权力的同时,也完全剥夺了非洲殖民地人民的公民权利,使非洲大陆与这块大陆的主人承受了无尽而深重的苦难。 The Grass Is Singing by Lessing provides an enormous and vivid description of the social structure in colonial South Africa.Meanwhile,with the special use of symbolism Lessing profoundly interprets the conflict between colonial power and civil rights.This essay,based on the analysis on the evolution of social economic and legal system in colonial period,gives a deep insight into the distribution of colonial power.The lost of European civilization in Africa is a vivid manifestation of colonists' insatiable desire of wealth.While the colonialism and racism system in Africa had entitled colonists with supreme power they deprive African people of their civil rights,thus bringing great misery to Africa and people who live there one generation after another.
作者 陈尚坤
出处 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期81-85,共5页 Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金(11BWW056)
关键词 文明迷失 殖民主义 殖民权力 公民权利 civilization lost colonialism colonial power civil right
  • 相关文献


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  • 1Shirley Budhos, The Theme of Enclosure in ,Selected Works by Doris Lessing, The Whitston Publishing Company, NY, 1987, p. 12.
  • 2Doris Lessing, The Grass Is Singing, The Penguin Group, USA, 1991.
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