目的 研究二甲双胍是否能阻止糖耐量减低(IGT),患者转变为2型糖尿病(DM)及其安全性和有效性。方法 56例住院时经OGTT证实为IGT的病人,给二甲双胍250mg,每日3次。观察1~2周后的空腹及餐后2小时血糖。出院治疗1年后随访复查OGTT。结果 56例患者治疗1~2周后空腹血糖由5.88±1.20mmol/L降到4.35±1.30mmol/L,餐后2小时血糖由9.20±0.5mmol/L降到5.80±2.11mmol/L(P<0.01)。1年后随访到34例病人,其中14例坚持服药到随访时(治疗组),20例仅服药1~3月后停药(对照组)。两组复查OGTT结果,对照组OGTT正常者3例(15.0%),仍为IGT者15例(75.0%),转变为DM者2例(10.0%);治疗组OGTT正常者8例(57.2%),仍为IGT者6例(42.8%),无转变为DM者,无低血糖症发生。结论 二甲双胍长期服用可阻止IGT病人恶化为DM,此药安全、有效、不易发生低血糖,易被接受长期服用。但我组病人少尚需继续观察。
? to inv esti gate metformin whether or not prevent pa tients with impaired glucose tolerance( IGT) transforming type-2 diabetes patien ts,its safety and efficiency. WTHZ Metho ds WTBZ 56 patients with IGT verified b y OGTT WTBZ took 250mg metformin, three times daily for 7~14 days,blood-gl ucose at fasting state and post-diet 2 h o urs was measured,respectively.In additio n,OGTT WTBZ was measured again wh en patients left hospital at one year or so. WTHZ Results WTBZ when 56 patients had been treated for 7~14 days,the leve l of blood-glucose in fasting state redu ced from 5.88±1.20mmol/L to 4.35±1.30mmo l/L,the level of blood-glucose in at pos t-diet 2 hours from 9.20±0.5mmol/L to 5. 80±2.11mmol/L( P <0.01).34 patients were f ollowed up for one year.Only 14 among 34 patients took medicines for one year(a s treatment groups),20 patients among 34 patient only took medicines for 1~3 mon ths(as control groups).OGTT WTBZ w e re examined and compared.In control grou ps,OGTT WTBZ of 3 patients become normal(15%),15 patients were still IGT WTBZ (75%),2 patients transformed D M(10.0%).As compared,in treatment groups ,OGTT of 8 patients were normal(57.2%),6 patients still IGT(42.8%),nobody transf ormed DM,hypoglycemia didn′t occur. WTHZ Conclusion WTBZ Taking metformin at lo ng time is able to prevent patients with IGT deteriorating into DM.Furthermore,it is safe and effcient,and the occurrence of hypoglycemia is rare,so patients are easily accepted to take for long time.B ut the number of patiens in author′s hos pital is not enough many,the results nee d to further investigate. WTHZ
Sichuan Medical Journal