
京杭运河(徐州段)表层沉积物中PCBs污染特征研究 被引量:2

Pollution Situation of PCBs in Surfi cial Sediments from Jing-Hang Grand Canal(Xuzhou Section)
摘要 利用GC-ECD分析了京杭运河(徐州段)14个断面上的沉积物样品中的类二噁英PCBs含量。结果表明,类二噁英PCBs含量范围为0.030~114.300 ng/g(DW),平均浓度为34.830 ng/g(DW),主要以低氯代物(4~5氯)为主。总体上,城区河段沉积物中PCBs总量高于非城区河段。污染物来源分析表明,PCBs可能主要来自造纸废水。与类似水体相比,京杭运河(徐州段)表层沉积物PCBs污染处于中低污染水平。万寨港、徐庄、刘山闸、邳州古运河及骆马湖入口沉积物PCBs具有中度的生态风险,其余断面潜在风险效应相对较低。 DL-PCBs in fourteen sediment samples from Jing-Hang Grand Canal(Xuzhou section) were analyzed by GC-ECD in this paper.The range of total DL-PCBs was 0.030-114.300 ng/g(DW)[average value:34.830 ng/g(DW)],and the main composition was low-chloride compounds(4-5 Cl).In general,the concentrations of PCBs in sediment samples from the urban area were higher than those from rural area.The source analysis showed that papermaking wastewater was the main PCBs source.Compared with other sites,the concentration of PCBs in Jing-Hang Grand Canal(Xuzhou section) was been to the low-medium level.The concentration of PCBs in Wanzhai Harbor,Xuzhuang,Liushan Gate,Pizhou ancient canal,and the inlet of Luoma Lake belonged to the medium ecologic risk level,while the sediments from others sites posed a lower ecological risk to benthic organism.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第22期13675-13677,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(2010QNB14) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2008134) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CX09B_123Z)
关键词 京杭运河(徐州段) 沉积物 类二噁英PCBs Jing-Hang Grand Canal(Xuzhou section) Sediment DL-PCBs
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