目的 探讨尿道下裂手术后并发症发生因素和预防处理的办法。 方法 对7 年110例尿道下裂不同手术方法(Duplay 法40 例,阴囊纵隔瓣法30 例,Duckett 包皮瓣法40 例) 的并发症进行分析。 结果 并发症包括尿瘘31 例(28-2 %) ,尿道憩室或狭窄6 例,尿道僵直4 例,非正常尿道开口28 例(25-6 %) ,阴茎扭转9 例。 结论 降低尿瘘的发生率是尿道下裂手术成功的关键,Duckett 包皮瓣法可作为尿道下裂手术治疗的首选方法。
Objective To study and analyze the complications of hypospadias repair. Methods In the past 7 years,a total of 110 cases underwent hypospadias repair by the method of Duplay( n =40),scrotal flap (30) and Duckett's preputial island flap (40) were reviewed and the complications were studied. Results Complications include fistula ( n =31,28.2%),urethral diverticulum or stenosis ( n =6),strictures ( n =4),abnormal situation of the meatus ( n =28,25.6%) and torsion of the penis ( n =9). Conclusions To make the hypospadias repair successful,it is essential to lessen the complication of fistula.Du ckett's procedure is recommended as the treatment of choice for hypospadias repair.
Chinese Journal of Urology