目的:探讨河南省先天性甲低的发病率及治疗效果;方法:以非选择的新出生婴儿41000 人为筛查对象。于出生72 小时,充分母乳后足跟采血,应用DELFIA 法检测标本中TSH 水平(TSH≥20μIU/ml 为阳性) 。为了确诊,用放免法检测阳性病人血清中TSH、T3 、T4 的水平,确诊的病人立即给予口服甲状腺素片治疗并定期进行体格发育和智力发育监测。结果:41000 例新生儿中CH病人6 例,发病率为1/6833 ,与我国其他地区的发病率相比偏低。病人经过早期治疗,体格发育和智力发育达到同龄健康儿童水平。结论:初步筛查的结果表明河南省CH 的发病率基本符合我国CH 总的发病情况。早期口服甲状腺素片可获满意的治疗效果。
To study the frequency and treatment effects of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) in Henan province.Methods:41,000 no?choice newborn infant,from the 41 hospitals in 16 cities in Henan province,received screening.When they had full nourishment 72 hours after birth,the blood samples were taken. TSH in t he samples was measure by DELFIA assay (The positive:TSH≥20μ IU/ml).In order to diagose,serum TSH,T 4 and T 3 of the postives were measured by specific mdiommmancassays.The patients diagnosed were treated by oral thyroxine tablet and received periodic observation on physique and intelligence.Results:in 41000 newborns,we found 6 patients of CH,and the frequency of CH is 1/6833.Comparing with the other areas in our country,the frequency of CH in Henan province is lower.These patients receiving early treatment have attained optimum physical and intellectual development equivalent to that of other healthy children with the same ages.Conclusions:The preliminary result of this study indicates that the frequency of CH Henan province basically accords with that in our country.But further data are needed befor making any comment on the development and promotion of neonatal screening.The early treatment by oral thyroxine tablet can give satisfiedeffects.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Congenital hypothyroidism,Neonatal screening,Frequency of CH,Treatment.