

Research of Application Layer Multicast Model Based on Wheel-Tree Architecture
摘要 在分析了树型和环型结构特点的基础上,该文提出一种基于树一轮拓扑结构的应用层组播模型。模型采用定域过程将距离近的节点集中在一起组成一个车轮结构,并利用近似平衡二叉树产生算法将轮心节点构建成一个时延最小的二叉树,以提高数据转发的效率。仿真结果表明,该模型具有较低的端到端延迟和链路压力以及较小的路径伸展率和控制开销,适用于大规模且实时性要求较高的应用层组播环境。 To combine the advantages of tree and ring architectures and improve the transmission efficiency of the Application Layer Multicast (ALM), this paper presents one new ALM model which constructs an overlay network based on Wheel-Tree. In this model, we use a localized process to gather those nodes with short distances together and form one wheel structure, so as to build a binary tree with the minimum delay to improve data forwarding efficiency. Simulation results show that this model could be used in the large-scale and real-time environments, and have a lower end-to-end delay and link stress, as well as smaller link stretch and control overhead.
作者 严英 YAN Ying (College of Computer, Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2011年第11期7653-7656,共4页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 应用层组播 树形结构 车轮结构 定域过程 节点性能 tree architecture wheel architecture localized process peer performance
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