
红外辐射光转换系统在温度测量中的应用 被引量:4

Application of IR Conversion System on Temperature Measurement
摘要 分析红外辐射光转换的原理及方法,研制红外辐射测温系统,用于高速运动物体的温度检测。从实际应用情况入手,对硬件电路设计、温度标定以及温度曲线拟合进行了详细论述。硬件电路设计主要包括光电转换、前置放大和恒温模块。设计温度标定实验获取数据。经多个模型比较,选用了指数模型,用来拟合电压温度曲线并进行了拟合误差分析。最后给出了整个系统的测试效果。 This paper analyzed the principle and method of infrared radiation conversion, developed an infrared radiation tem- perature measurement system for high-speed moving objeet temperature detection. Starting from the actual appheation,it discussed in detail about the hardware circuit design, the temperature calibration and temperature curve fitting. Hardware eireuit design in- eluded photoeleetrie conversion, pre-amplifieation and temperature modules. It designed the temperature calibration experiments to obtain data. It chose the exponential model to fit the temperature curve after eomparing several models,then presented the error a- nalysis. Finally, it showed the testing results of the whole system.
出处 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期83-85,88,共4页 Instrument Technique and Sensor
关键词 辐射测温 光电转换 曲线拟合 黑体校准源 radiation thermometry photovoltaic conversion curve fitting blackbody calibrator
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