[目的]探索黑龙江省戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)在家畜中的分布情况。[方法]采用酶联免疫吸附试验法(ELISA),检测来自黑龙江省2个地区血清样品3月龄以上大猪719份、3月龄以下小猪840份、牛505份、羊515份HEV抗原和抗体阳性率。[结果]猪群抗体水平最高,猪群(89.71%)可能比其他种群更容易感染HEV(P<0.001)。黑龙江省共检测出HEV Ag阳性血清样品猪59份,牛3份,羊1份。与吉林、辽宁相比,黑龙江省猪群HEV感染率较高。[结论]黑龙江省猪群感染HEV较为普遍,且大猪感染率高于小猪。
[ Objective ] To observe the distribution of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in livestock in Heilongjiang Province. [ Method ] The serum samples collected from two regions of Heilongjiang Province included 719 samples from pigs older than 3 months old, 840 samples from pigs younger than 3 months old, 505 bovine serum samples and 515 ovine serum samples. The samples were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). [ Result ] The pigs had the highest level of antibodies against HEV, and the positive rate of HEV was 89.71% , indica- ting pigs were more likely to be infected by HEV than other livestock populations. HEV was detected in 59 porcine serum samples, three bovine serum samples and one ovine serum sample collected from Heilongjiang Province. The positive rate of HEV in pigs was higher in Heilongjiang Province than in Jinlin Province and Liaoning Province. [ Conclusion] HEV infection was wide in pigs in Heilongjiang Province, and the infection rate was higher in old pigs than in young pigs.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences