
汉语成语在科技论文翻译中的运用研究 被引量:1

Use of Chinese Four-character Idioms in Translation of Sci-tech Papers
摘要 运用实例分析了汉语成语在科技论文翻译中的运用情况,指出:科技英语原文已经使用成语或习惯用语时,科技翻译中应该尽量运用在意义和用法上基本对应的汉语成语,以实现习语美学价值的转移;科技英语原文并未使用成语,但是原句中的某个单词、词组或分局在意义上与汉语中的某个成语基本对应时,科技翻译中可以运用汉语成语,使译文简约、精炼;科技英语原文并没有接近汉语成语的语句的直接表达时,在原文的字面意思外,加以修饰,使意思完整,更易于理解,此时运用汉语成语可以收到画龙点睛的作用;科技英语原文某些含义用其他字眼难以准确表达时,科技翻译中可以运用成语,使译文更加准确贴切、生动传神,达到事半功倍的效果。同时提出了汉语成语在科技论文翻译中运用时需注意的问题:要准确理解原文所表达的内容;审慎选用与原文含义契合的成语,切忌不求甚解,望文生义;要根据情况适当变通,增强语言效果;要考虑文体风格的协调性,使译文既得体、地道,又能体现出科技英语简约的美感;另外,在科技翻译中运用汉语成语时,不宜使用民族色彩过浓的以及陈腐冷僻、艰深古奥的汉语成语,以免破坏原作的意蕴和形象,使译文读者产生误解。认为科技论文译文中恰当运用成语是达到"信、达、雅"的有效途径。 The use of Chinese four-character idioms in translation of sci-tech papers was analyzed through instance, it was pointed out mat, if there were idioms in the original English text, the Chinese four-character idioms with similar meaning and usage could be used in the translation so as to realize the transfer of the aesthetic value of idioms ; even there was no idioms in the original text, but some words, phrases or sentences with similar meaning to Chinese idioms, the Chinese idioms could also be used to refine the translation; if there was neither idioms nor similar expressions, the use of Chinese idioms could modify, complete and refine the literal translation ; if the original meaning could not be accurately expressed, the Chinese idioms could make the translation more precise and vivid. The paper also pointed out the notes should be paid attention to in the translation of scitech papers : the meaning of the original meaning should be accurately understood ; the Chinese idioms with the similar meaning to the original text should be carefully selected; the translation should be flexible so as to enrich the lingual effect; the style of original text should be consistent with that of translation so as to make the translation more reasonable and reflect the simplicity of sci- entific English; Moreover, in translation of sci-tech papers, those Chinese idioms with strong ethnic color and.odd meaning should not be used so as not to destroy the original meaning and image and misunderstan the readers of translation. The use of Chinese four-character idioms in translation of sci-tech papers was an effective way to achieve the "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance" of translation.
作者 田玲
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第36期22835-22837,22880,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 汉语成语 科技论文翻译 “信 雅” Chinese four-character idioms Translation of sci-tech papers "Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance"
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