
细菌IV型分泌系统结构的研究进展 被引量:3

Research Advance of Molecular Architecture of Bacterial Type IV Secretion Systems
摘要 革兰氏阴性菌的IV型分泌系统(T4SS)是一个由ATP供能,多种蛋白质复合构成的体系,该体系能够跨过整个细胞外膜、分泌大量底物。详细阐述了T4SS组成元件的结构,如底物转运通道、核心复合物、外膜复合物、内膜复合物、菌毛等。T4SS更大组成元件、其他结构、组成元件间相互作用的机理等有待进一步研究。 T4SS is composed by many kinds of protein by ATP energy.The system could pass the entire cell membrane and generate lots of substrates.The structure of T4SS components was expounded,such as substrate transport passport,atomic-resolution,outer-membrane compound,inner-membrane compound and pore etc.T4SS larger component,other structures,and the mechanism of interaction among components need further investigation.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第23期13979-13980,14020,共3页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30972198/C180503)
关键词 细菌 IV分泌系统 分子结构 Bacteria Secretion systems Molecular architecture
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