
带反馈控制的离散时滞食物有限种群模型的持久性 被引量:1

Permanence of a Discrete Food-limited Population Model with Feedback Controls and Delays
摘要 研究了一类带有反馈控制的离散时滞食物有限种群模型,应用差分不等式定理,得到了该模型持久性的充分条件. A discrete food-limited population model with delays and feedback controls was considered in the study.By using the theory of difference inequality,sufficient conditions were obtained for the permanence of the model.
作者 吕红梅 张玮
出处 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2011年第8期16-20,共5页 Journal of Yuxi Normal University
关键词 食物有限种群模型 离散 时滞 持久性 food-limited population model discrete delay feedback control permanenc
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