
交互设备的交互模式分类及其显示属性影响研究 被引量:3

Research on Interaction Pattern Classification and the Influence of Display Attributes of Interactive Product
摘要 本研究旨在总结用户与设备典型的交互模式分类及其影响因素。基于文本挖掘的数据挖掘方法,从主要源自互联网的数据中提取显示属性及典型使用场景和交互行为,进而基于场景和交互行为挖掘交互模式,并通过语义分析探讨交互模式与显示属性的关系。共得到7类交互模式:1)信息加工;2)移动信息交流;3)控制信息显示;4)信息接收;5)功能信息显示;6)单向信息展示;7)信息记录。结论:交互模式在交互设备的发展中保持相对稳定性;显示属性在交互模式中起关键作用,制约使用场景及交互行为。上述结果对交互产品设计具有重要参考价值。 Aimed to summarize typical interaction pattern of users and the impact factors,extract the display attributes,typical usage scenarios and interactive behaviors of interactive products based on text mining of the data mining methods,which mainly come from the Internet,and further,based on the usage scenarios and interactive behaviors to extract interaction pattern.Then analyze the relationship between interaction pattern and display attributes by semantic-analysis.We received seven categories:1)information processing;2)mobile information exchange.3)the display of manipulation message;4) the reception of the information;5) the display of functional message;6) the display of one-direction message;7) information records.Conclusions: in the development of interaction equipment,interaction patterns maintain relative stability;display attributes play a key role in the interaction patterns,restricting the usage behaviors and the usage scenarios.The above results have important reference value for the design of interaction product.
作者 王翠洁 陈硕
出处 《人类工效学》 2011年第3期5-9,共5页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60975079)
关键词 数据挖掘 交互设备 显示属性 交互模式 data mining interactive product display attribute interaction pattern
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