
芥子油苷在十字花科植物与昆虫相互关系中的作用 被引量:4

Roles of glucosinolates in the interrelationships between Brassicaceae plants and insects:A review
摘要 芥子油苷(glucosinolate,GS)是十字花科植物重要的次生代谢物,对调节十字花科植物与昆虫间的关系起着重要作用.由于GS及其代谢产物具有一定的毒性,因此它是十字花科植物抵御广食性植食昆虫攻击的有力手段.而寡食十字花科植物的昆虫由于具备多种GS应对机制,因此可通过GS这一十字花科植物特有的次生代谢物进行寄主选择.被植食性昆虫摄入的GS不仅可以影响天敌的生长发育,而且还对天敌有一定的驱避作用.而虫害后十字花科植物释放的GS代谢产物又可作为天敌的寄主选择信息.本文结合该领域的一些最新研究成果,从GS对植食性昆虫的毒性、寡食性害虫的寄主选择、植食性昆虫对GS的适应机制、虫害对GS-黒芥子酶系统的诱导,以及GS对天敌的影响等方面对GS如何影响植物与昆虫间的相互关系进行了综述,并就今后该领域的研究方向、研究方法提出建议. Glucosinolates (GS) are the important secondary metabolites of Brassicaceae plants,playing an important role in regulating the interrelationships between Brassicaceae plants and insects.GS can protect Brassicaceae plants against euryphagous herbivorous pests because of the toxicity of GS and their breakdown products.However,oligophagous pests which have evolved manifold metabolic pathways to cope with the defensive compounds depended fully on GS and their volatile breakdown products for host-plant recognition and orientation.The GS ingested by herbivores are also toxic to carnivores,and can directly deter predators.On the other hand,predators and parasitoids are attracted by the volatile breakdown products of GS from the Brassicaceae plants damaged by herbivores.Based on the recent findings,this paper reviewed the defensive function of GS against herbivores,host selection of oligophagous pests,GS metabolic pathways of herbivores,induction of GS by herbivores,and effects of GS on the third tropic level.Future directions and techniques in this research field were also suggested.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期573-580,共8页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 浙江省农业科学院博士启动基金项目 浙江省农业科学院农产品质量标准研究所所选项目资助
关键词 芥子油苷 十字花科 昆虫 关系 调节 glucosinolates Brassicaceae insect relationship regulation.
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