
从迫选再认测验看记忆编码过程的加工机制 被引量:2

Different Encoding processes distinguished by forced-choice recognition
摘要 人类记忆具有复杂的认知功能,可表现为多种类型,如内隐记忆、外显记忆等,不同的记忆类型在编码过程中是否就存在着差异?本文通过两阶段的迫选再认,分别以词和面孔为刺激,在单一测验中区分出记住、启动、忘记和虚报四种不同的记忆类型,然后比较不同类型的记忆项目在编码过程中的加工差异,结果发现记住和启动项目在学习阶段所获得的加工资源要多于忘记项目,而虚报项目所得到的加工资源最少,表明不论是外显还是内隐记忆,在编码阶段都需要获得一定的加工资源,否则就会从记忆痕迹中消失,甚至产生错误记忆。 Human memory does not refer to a unitary behavioral phenomenon,for example, studied information can be voluntary retrieved(explicit memory) or involuntary retrieved(implicit memory).Much evidence confirms that explicit memory and implicit memory have different neural bases at the retrieval stage,but what about the encoding stage? To explore this question,a forced-choice recognition with word and face stimuli was conducted to produce distinct memory subtypes: remembered,primed,forgotten and false alarm.The results showed that RT differences between four types of memory at study stage were significant,mean RT of remembered and primed trials was shorter than that of forgotten and false alarm trials,and mean RT of false alarm trials was longer than that of forgotten trials.The results suggested that if one item did not get enough resources at encoding,it will not be retrieved explicitly or implicitly later,even be recognized mistakenly.
作者 孟迎芳
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期162-167,共6页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部青年专项课题<对学业不良生编码与提取加工机制的研究>(EBA090428)
关键词 编码 迫选再认测验 内隐记忆 外显记忆 encoding forced-choice recognition implicit memory explicit memory
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