
Cloning of Hoxc8 Promoter in Mongolian Sheep by Thermal Asymmetric Interlaced PCR

摘要 [Objective] The research aimed toexplore the method to obtain Hoxc8 pro- moter of Mongolian Sheep. [Method] Thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR was used to amplify the promoter sequence of Hoxc8 inMongolian Sheep. [Result] The ob- tained sequence by usingthermal asymmetric interlaced PCRwas not ideal and the sequencing results were not matching to the known sequence. Though promoter se- quence of Hoxc8 in Mongolian Sheep was not obtained by thermal asymmetric in- terlaced PCR, but the results could provide references for the relevant studies in the future. [Conclusion] The research laid the foundation for further study on the methy- lation status Hoxc8 promoter in Mongolian Sheep. [目的]探索获得蒙古羊Hoxc8基因启动子序列的方法。[方法]尝试利用交错式热不对称PCR法,获得蒙古羊Hoxc8启动子序列。[结果]通过PCR获得的序列不理想,测序结果无法与已知序列相匹配。虽然利用交错式热不对称PCR法未获得蒙古羊的Hoxc8的启动子序列,但可为今后的相关研究提供借鉴。[结论]该研究为进一步分析蒙古羊Hoxc8的启动子区域的甲基化状态奠定了基础。
出处 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第1期103-107,共5页 农业科学与技术(英文版)
基金 Supported by the Supporting Program of the"Eleventh Five-year Plan"for Sci&Tech Research of China(2006BDA13B08) National Natural Science Foundation of China(30960245)~~
关键词 Hoxc8 exon-1 Multi-vertebrae Mongolian Sheep Genome walking Ther- mal asymmetric interlaced PCR PROMOTER Hoxc8 exon-1 多脊椎蒙古羊 染色体步移技术 交错式热不对称PCR法 启动子
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