
民国时期的“回族界说”与中国共产党《回回民族问题》的理论意义。 被引量:11

The Definition of Hui in the Period of the Republic of China and the Theoretic Significance of Minzu Questions about HuihuiIssued by the Chinese Communist Party
摘要 现有研究表明,中国讲汉语的回回在晚明已经形成为一个具有共同祖先认同的独特的族类群体(民族),但是到晚清特别是辛亥革命之后,出现回回学者关于"回族界说"的争议,而且大多数回回精英都不主张回族是一个独立的"民族",也不赞成使用"回族"的称呼。本文认为回回精英的这种立场,主要是因为从西方传入的"民族"概念蕴含"一个民族一个国家"的意义,而中国的回回用"争教不争国"表达了在政治上认同中国的生存策略。这种生存策略的确定,不仅与清代后期的民族压迫有关,而且也受到民国期间中国大社会(国民党和大多数主流学者)的"民族"理论和方针的影响。反观中国共产党的《回回民族问题》(1941年),一方面尊重学理,没有否认中国多民族国家中存在汉族以外的"民族";另一方面修正了少数民族"民族自决"的主张,改为民族平等下的"民族自治"。其在学理上确立了多民族国家中真正实行民族平等政策的理论基础,同时也为中国回回民族指明了不需要否认自己民族身份的发展道路。 Today's study reveals that the Huihui who spoke Chinese in China had developed a'Minzu', that is to say, a special group with an identity based on the same origin in the late Ming Dynasty. However, after the late Qing Dynasty, especially the 1911 Revolution, some Huihui scholars began to argue about the definition of Hui. The majorities of the Huihui elite did not agree that the Hui is a independent 'Minzu' and they did not approve of using the name of 'Huizu'. The paper discovers that those viewpoints from the Huihui elite was derived from the concepts of 'nation' introduced by the Western scholars which meant such ideas as 'one 'Minzu' was equal to one nation', and that the Chinese Huihui expressed their identifying with China politically by using their survival strategy which denoted 'struggle for freedom of religious belief and not for the sovereignty of state'. The kind of survival strategy, not only was related to the Minzu oppression in the late Qing Dynasty, but also connected with the social background in the period of the Republic of China. In contrast with the theory and policy of 'Minzu' brought forward by the Kuomintang and the main scholars at that time, Minzu questions about Huihui issued by the Chinese Communist Party in 1941 provided with a new viewpoint for the Minzu questions about Huihui. On the one hand it did not deny the 'Minzus' outside Han in the multi-ethnic Chinese nation, on the other hand it turned the opinions put forward by the ethnic minority about the Minzu self-determination into the Minzu autonomy based on Minzu equality. To sum up, it academically determined the foundation of theory about implementing in deed the policy of Minzu equality in the multi-ethnic nation, at the same time, it pointed out a road for the Chinese Huihui along which they can develop rapidly without denying their Huihui identity.
作者 华涛 翟桂叶
机构地区 南京大学历史系
出处 《民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期12-24,108,共13页 Ethno-National Studies
关键词 回族界说 “争教不争国” 民族定义 民族平等 《回回民族问题》 the definition of Hui 'struggle for freedom of religious belief and not for the sovereignty of state' the definition of Minzu the Minzu equality Minzu questions about Huihui
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