本文以甜高粱秸秆汁为主要的发酵原料,对热带假丝酵母SG-1在15-L罐上产单细胞蛋白(SCP)的分批补料发酵过程进行研究。首先对分批发酵模式下的菌体代谢过程变化进行研究。研究发现,接种后菌体快速进入繁殖阶段,但是总糖在12 h处于耗竭状态,使得菌体量和SCP产量过早的在18 h就达到峰值。基于此,在15-L罐上建立了热带假丝酵母SG-1产SCP的分批补料发酵模式。结果表明:菌体代谢因基质的补加而得到进一步的延续,放罐时(42 h)其菌体干重和SCP产量分别达19.86 g/L和9.93 g/L,显著高于分批发酵模式的10.45 g/L和4.70 g/L。
The fed-batch fermentation of Candida tropicalis SG-1 was investigated for single cell protein (SCP) production and the sweet sorghum stalk juice was used as the major fermentation material. Firstly,the parameter profiles of batch fermentation in 15-L fermenter was studied,then the results showed that the growth was fleetly turned into logarithm stage after inoculation,and the maximal cell growth and SCP production were prematurely obtained at 18 h due to the ab sence of total sugar after 12 h.Based on the results of batch fermentation in 15-L fermenter,the fed-batch fermentation was established.The results showed that the metabolism of Candida tropicalis SG-1 was further extended due to the additional feed of nutrition components,the maximal cell growth and SCP production were 19.86 g/L and 9.93 g/L at the end of fermentation (42 h),which was significantly higher than those obtained in the batch fermentation (10.45 g/L and 4.70 g/L).
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