
基于实验的圆柱体流固耦合升力谱模型研究 被引量:8

摘要 基于均匀流场的弹性圆柱体涡激振动实验,提出了一个考虑流固耦合的涡激升力谱模型。该升力模型采用了Webull分布模型,以流速、约化速度、圆柱体直径和圆柱体固有频率为模型参数,通过引入圆柱体固有频率来考虑流固耦合的影响,避免了时域模型中直接计算圆柱体的顺流向振动响应问题。与实验结果比较表明,该模型可用于均匀流场的涡激振动预测。 A spectrum model of the lift force on an oscillating cylinder in uniform stream is presented based on the VIV experiments of a flexible cylinder.The formula is derived as a function of the natural frequency of the cylinder from a Webull probability density function.The fluid-structure interaction is taken into account in the model by inserting the natural frequency of the cylinder into the model.The other parameters in the model are the velocity of flow,reduced velocity,the diameter of the cylinder.The calculated response with the model was compared with measured response of the cylinder tested in experiments.It is shows that the VIV response of the cylinder in uniform current can be predicted by the lift force model proposed in the paper.
出处 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期192-196,204,共6页 Engineering Mechanics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51079136 51179179)
关键词 涡激升力 涡激振动 水动力实验 斯托哈尔频率 流体力 lift force VIV hydrodynamic experiment Strouhal frequency fluid force
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