
WTO贸易政策的透明度要求:法律原则与中国实践 被引量:10

The Requirement of Transparency in WTO Trade Policy: Legal Principle and China's Practice
摘要 透明度原则是WTO的基本原则之一,它不仅蕴含在多边贸易体制之中,也贯穿于成员的承诺之中,它强调贸易措施的及时公开与可以获得。WTO贸易政策审议机制和争端解决机制是透明度义务履行的两套保障体制。已有的WTO贸易政策审议报告对中国贸易政策透明度的改进给予了一如既往的肯定,但也指出仍有很大改善空间。争端解决实践表明,中国现行的某些贸易措施与WTO透明度原则要求仍有一定差距,潜在的纠纷依然存在。对透明度原则和相关案例进行具体分析,这将有助于更好地认识这一原则的内涵和中国自身完善的目标,这也是法治建设的应有之义。 As one of the WTO principles, transparency is contained not only within multilateral trading system, but also in the member's commitment. It emphasizes the Member's trade measures shall be timely opened and obtained in public. The DSM and TPRM are the two sets of important mechanism to check the transparency. Although the TPRM trade reports have recognized the progress China has made, it still has a big improvement space. The WTO case practice indicates that there is a gap between China's trade measures and transparency principle, which will lead to potential disputes. The analysis of transparency principle and China's practice is benefit to understand the connotation of this principle and China's improvement in this area, which is also the spirit of rule of law.
出处 《时代法学》 2012年第1期99-106,共8页 Presentday Law Science
基金 "国家建设高水平大学公派留学项目"资助(编号:2010623112) 为作者研究的"WTO框架下中国参与机制研究"项目阶段性成果之一
关键词 透明度 法律原则 中国实践 transparency legal principle China's practice
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  • 1Terry Collins-Williams and Robert Wolfe, Transparency as a trade policy tool :the WTO's cloudy window, World Trade Review (2010). 9: 4, p. 552.
  • 2Sylvia Ostry, China and the WTO: The Transparency Issue, 3'UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (1998), pp. 2 -3.
  • 3Sylvia Ostry, China and the WTO: The Transparency Issue, 3 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (1998), p. 5.
  • 4See supra note 1, p. 552.
  • 5Sarah Biddulph, Through a glass darkly: China, Transparency and the WTO, Australian Journal of Asian Law (2001), volume 3, p. 59.
  • 6李仲周,易小淮,何宁.世界贸易组织乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判结果法律文件[M].北京:商务部世界贸易司印制,2010,(2):380.
  • 7Stephen Kho ,The Impact of the Word Trade Organization on the Lack of Transparency in the People's Republic of China, 2 Contemporary Asi- an Studies Series, p. 5.
  • 8See supra note 2, p. 19.
  • 9See supra note 7, p. 43.
  • 10See supra note 7, p. 45.










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