
外力作用下番茄植株形变的动态模拟 被引量:2

Dynamic Simulation of Tomato Plant′s Deformation Under External Forces
摘要 提出一种模拟番茄植株形变过程的计算机方法.该方法针对番茄的虚拟模型,结合材料力学中弹性杆的变形计算原理,给出计算番茄主茎和叶轴变形的数学公式,并基于阻尼振动原理,模拟了枝茎变形后的形态恢复过程.该方法已经使用OpenGL在NVIDIA GeForce3图形硬件上实现.实验结果显示,利用这种方法可以实现不同拉力和触动力作用下番茄植株形变过程的可视化模拟. An effective method was proposed to dynamically simulate the deforming motions of individual tomato plant under different external forces. In this method, a mechanical model to calculate the deformation of main stem and leaf axis was built based on ben- ding deformation model in mechanics of material. Moreover, the swaying process of the deformed stems and the deformed branches were described according to the principle of damped vibration. The proposed method was realized on the graphics hardware, NVIDIA GeForce3, by using the OpenGL functions. The experiment results showed that the deforming motions of individual tomato plant under different external forces could be visually simulated by using the proposed method.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期293-297,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60901081 30771247)资助 浙江省科技厅重大科技专项项目(2008C12061-2)资助
关键词 外力作用 番茄植株 参数化L系统 动态模拟 external forces tomato plant parametric L-system dynamic simulation
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