
有界恢复模型下弹性泄露签名的新构造 被引量:2

New Constrcution of Leakage-resilient Signature in Bounded Retriveal Model
摘要 弹性泄露密码学是当前密码学研究的热点.给出一个弹性泄露签名的定义,该定义是标准签名定义的一个扩展.构造一个有界恢复模型下的弹性泄露签名方案,并在标准模型下证明了它的安全性.本文的方案基于双线性配对的弹性泄露签名,结合了一次签名和Waters签名的特,通过改进,长度可大大缩短,克服了一次签名签名长度过长的缺点,具有较好的实用价值. Leakage-resilient cryptography is very hot in the research of cryptography. We gvie a formal definition of leakage-resilient signature, which is a extension to the standard definition of signature. We construction a new leakage-resilient signature scheme in bounded retrvieal model, and prove its security based on the standard model. Our scheme is the first leakage-resilient signature from bilinear pairings, which is combined with the characteristics of one-time signature and Waters signature. The scheme also can be im- proved in signature size, which overcomes the shortcoming of large signature size in one-time signature. Hence, it demonstrates a better applicability.
作者 王志伟 张伟
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期380-382,共3页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60703086)资助 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(20090451241)资助 南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金项目(NY209014)资助
关键词 弹性泄露签名 有界恢复模型 标准模型 Waters签名 一次签名 leakage-resilient signature bounded retriveal model standard model Waters signature one-time signature
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