文章以《中医方剂大辞典》为线索,分别筛选治疗"脾气虚证"、"脾胃气虚证"的方剂54首、284首,采取"Excel数据透视表","SQL Server 2005_DMAddin关联规则","SPSS 17.0因子分析"等方法,探讨"脾气虚证"、"脾胃气虚证"用药配伍规律的异同。结果显示,"脾气虚证"、"脾胃气虚证"其治疗方剂同中有异,两者均以补气、消食药配伍理气、温里、祛湿药等组成,均以白术、陈皮为基础方。但"脾气虚证"方剂以补脾治本为主,喜用"人参";"脾胃气虚证"方剂以补脾、行气、渗湿、消食等同用,标本兼治,喜用"党参"。
To compare the composition of prescriptions for deficiency of spleen qi and the prescriptions for spleen and stomach qi.The autors filtered 54 and 284 prescriptions respectively from 'Dictionary of Prescriptions in Traditional Chinese medicine',and analyzed with Excel pivot table,association rules of SQL Server 2005-DMAddin,and factor analysis of SPSS 17.0.The result was that the same composition of their prescriptions were formed mainly by qi tonics and stomachics,plus carminatives,drugs for dispelling internal cold,and drugs for eliminating dampness.The basis formula is Citri Reticulatae pericarpium and Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma.The difference were the prescriptions for deficiency of spleen qi were used to tonify spleen adding Ginseng Radix et Rhigoma,and the preccriptions for deficieney of spleen and stomach qi were used to tonify spleen adding Codonopsis Radix,at the same time,to activate qi flowing,eliminate dampness,and promote digestion.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae