
抗血小板药物治疗的药学监护 被引量:6

Pharmaceutical Care during Antiplatelet Therapies
摘要 目的:抗血小板药物围绕血栓形成机制,对血小板聚集各个环节形成抑制而成为对抗血栓的一线用药,受到临床医师和患者的青睐,本文总结抗血小板药的临床应用评价和监护要点。方法:采用国内、外文献综述方法。结果与结论:在大量的临床研究中,抗血小板药显示了良好效果,各种临床结果已被多项循证医学系统研究所证实,但其用药风险和不良反应较大,使得药学监护和抗凝药合理安全应用尤显重要。 Objective:To summarize the evaluation of clinical application of antiplatelet drugs and the critical points of pharmaceutical care so as to provide reference for improving the clinical pharmaceutical care.Methods:To collect medical data by literature review both at home and abroad.Results and Conclusion:Antiplatelet drugs were proved good in efficacy by indication-based medical studies and the results of clinical trials were confirmed by clinical systematic researches using multiple evidence-based methodology.As there were potential risks in use of antiplatelet drugs and relatively more adverse drug reactions,the pharmaceutical care and rational use of anticoagulant drugs were becoming more important.
作者 张石革
出处 《中国执业药师》 CAS 2012年第1期4-8,共5页 China Licensed Pharmacist
关键词 抗血小板药 环氧合酶抑制剂 血栓 药学监护 合理用药 Antiplatelet Drug Cyclooxygenase Inhibitor Thrombosis Pharmaceutical Care Rational Drug Use
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